Sam the TV Man uses high quality products and provides a great service. TV Installations, Plasma Installations, LCD Installations and Home Theatre Installations are just some of the services that Sam the TV Man offers.
The modern lifestyle household has been transformed into the families playground and caters for all needs. The appliances that we install in the home give it the capabilities to deliver the comfort and convenience that you desire.Sam Simos
With More Than 20+ Years Experience
SAM THE TV MAN can transform your life at home into the most amazing experience. SAM THE TV MAN is a professional Home Theatre Installation company, specialising in the field of Home Audio Visual and Computing Installations. SAM THE TV MAN has more than 20+ years experience of custom design in Adelaide.
SAM THE TV MAN can offer the highest level of products (from quality suppliers) and performance matched only with quality installation and service right from high end systems to lower end budget systems.